This article brought to you by Martin and Martin Builders Inc.
Martin and Martin Builders are located in Adrian, Oregon. We live, play, and work in this community. Proud of our school, proud of our kids and, grand kids. We have always felt fortunate to live in this community. We call it home.
Martin and Martin Builders specializes in commercial, ag, and industrial buildings with wood frame and all steel. Licensed in both Oregon and Idaho and trusted for over 40 years with projects big and small.
Give them a call at 208-573-0614 or 208-573-5929.
No events scheduled
Boys Basketball
Capital Tournament in Boise
Baker 61, Borah ID 28
Ontario, Burns at Oregon/Idaho Border Brawl in Nyssa
Ontario 66, Payette ID 31
Burns 59, Weiser ID 46
Nyssa 69, Council ID 44
Imbler 57, Notus ID 32
Treasure Valley Classical Academy at Huntington – no result available
Sherman 47, Culver 18
Grant Union 48, Prairie City/Burnt River 36
Homedale ID 51, Baker 46
Imbler 57, Notus ID 13
Elkton at Bickleton – no result available
Crane 82, Bonanza 30
Treasure Valley Classical Academy ID at Huntington – no result available
Adrian 45, Greenleaf ID 40
Prairie City/Burnt River 47, Grant Union 30
Sherman 44, Culver 17
No events scheduled