Girls Basketball
- Corbett versus McLoughlin at Cascade Holiday Classic, 3 pm
- Pendleton at Spartan Holiday Classic
- Imbler at Enterprise Nonleague, 6 pm (1A versus 2A)
- Nixyaawii at Union Nonleague, 5 pm (Game of the Day as both teams are ranked in the top 10, Union in 2A, Nixyaawii in the 1A)
- White Salmon WA at Riverside Nonleague, 4 pm (The earlier game between these two teams was called off)
No events scheduled
Boys Basketball
- McLoughlin at The Dalles Nonleague, 7 pm (Pioneers playing three road games in three days)
- Jordan Valley versus Jordan Valley Alumni, 6:30 pm
- Nixyaawii at Union Nonleague, 6:30 pm (Union off a 2-1 showing at the Bobcat Classic)
- Imbler at Enterprise Nonleague, 7:30 pm (The same two teams met at the Bobcat Classic with Imbler winning 36-33)
No events scheduled