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- Prairie City, South Wasco County, Joseph, Spray/Mitchell/Wheeler at Echo 6-Man Jamboree
- Pilot Rock at Pomeroy Jamboree
- Pendleton at Hermiston, WA Jamboree
- Vale at Cascade Christian (Nonleague), 9 am (Vikings on the road to take on two power teams)
- Vale versus Salem Academy at Cascade Christian (Nonleague), 11 am (Vale takes the court against the current 2A state champions)
- Nixyaawii at Riverside (Nonleague) 3 pm (Golden Eagles opened last season with a win over the Pirates)
- Burns, Joseph, Prairie City, Adrian, Heppner, Crane at Grant Union Tournament (Season opener for these teams)
- Nyssa, Baker, McLoughlin, Ontario, Imbler, Union at Hannah Cashell Tournament in La Grande
- La Pine, Lakeview at Tallman Tournament in Lakeview
- Pendleton at Lewiston, ID Tournament
- Weston-McEwen versus North Douglas at Lowell (Nonleague), 1:30 pm (TigerScots take the court against the current 1A state champions)
- Weston-McEwen at Lowell (Nonleague), Noon (These two teams did not meet last season)
No events scheduled
Boys Soccer
- La Grande at The Dalles (Nonleague), 11 am (Tigers fell to The Dalles last season, 2-3)
- Ontario, Four Rivers, Nyssa at Ontario Jamboree, noon
Cross Country
- Heppner, Nixyaawii, Pendleton, Pilot Rock at John Hascall Memorial at Hoeft Farm
- Vale at Jimmy Driscoll in Boise, ID
Girls Soccer
- The Dalles at La Grande (Nonleague), 11 am (This will be the first game for The Dalles since dropping down to 4A this season)
- Ontario, Baker, Four Rivers, Nyssa at Ontario Jamboree, noon