Results for Friday, April 21 (Including 4A GOL Bucs/Tigers Split)

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Sisters 34, La Pine 19

Sisters 20, La Pine 5

Enterprise/Joseph/Wallowa 17, McLoughlin 2

 Enterprise/Joseph/Wallowa 10, McLoughlin 2

Vale 10, Riverside 0

Vale, 13, Riverside 0

Payette, ID 11, Nyssa 1

Baker/Powder Valley at Ontario – cancelled

La Grande 7, Pendleton 4

Pendleton 11, La Grande 4

Grant Union/Prairie City 10, Pilot Rock/Nixyaawii/Ukiah 0

Grant Union/Prairie City 11, Pilot Rock/Nixyaawii/Ukiah 0

Heppner/Ione/Condon at Echo/Stanfield – result not available

Elgin/Imbler 11, Irrigon 9

Elgin/Imbler 19, Irrigon 3

Weston-McEwen/Griswold 17, Adrian 0

Weston-McEwen/Griswold 18, Adrian 0


Irrigon at Nyssa

Irrigon at Vale

Track and Field

Baker, Enterprise, Imbler, Joseph, McLOughlin, Nixyaawii, Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Powder Valley, Weston-McEwen at Carnival of Speed

Adrian, Baker, Burns, Crane, Four Rivers, Grant Union, Harper, Jordan Valley, Nyssa, Ontario, Vale at Don Walker Invite

Elgin, Imbler, La Grande, Union at Husky Invite

Arlington, Bickleton, Condon, Dufur, Ione, Irrigon, Lyle/Wishram, Riverside, Umatilla at Rivers Edge



Hanford 13, Hermiston 9

Hanford 14, Hermiston 0


 Southridge 20, Hermiston 1

Southridge 11, Hermiston 1


Baker/Powder Valley 17, Ontario 2

Baker/Powder Valley 11, Ontario 0

Pendleton 9, La Grande 4

Pendleton 4, La Grande 0

Irrigon 10, Dufur/South Wasco County 0

Irrigon 19, Dufur/South Wasco County 2

Sisters 4, La Pine 3

Sisters 4, La Pine 2

Joseph/Enterprise/Wallowa 9, McLoughlin 8

Joseph/Enterprise/Wallowa 9, McLoughlin 2

Vale 17, Riverside 0

Vale 16, Riverside 5


Ontario at Union

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