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Enterprise/Joseph/Wallowa 17, McLoughlin 2
Enterprise/Joseph/Wallowa 10, McLoughlin 2
Payette, ID 11, Nyssa 1
Baker/Powder Valley at Ontario – cancelled
Grant Union/Prairie City 10, Pilot Rock/Nixyaawii/Ukiah 0
Grant Union/Prairie City 11, Pilot Rock/Nixyaawii/Ukiah 0
Heppner/Ione/Condon at Echo/Stanfield – result not available
Weston-McEwen/Griswold 17, Adrian 0
Weston-McEwen/Griswold 18, Adrian 0
Track and Field
Adrian, Baker, Burns, Crane, Four Rivers, Grant Union, Harper, Jordan Valley, Nyssa, Ontario, Vale at Don Walker Invite
Elgin, Imbler, La Grande, Union at Husky Invite
Arlington, Bickleton, Condon, Dufur, Ione, Irrigon, Lyle/Wishram, Riverside, Umatilla at Rivers Edge
Hanford 13, Hermiston 9
Hanford 14, Hermiston 0
Southridge 20, Hermiston 1
Southridge 11, Hermiston 1
Baker/Powder Valley 17, Ontario 2
Baker/Powder Valley 11, Ontario 0
Irrigon 10, Dufur/South Wasco County 0
Irrigon 19, Dufur/South Wasco County 2
Joseph/Enterprise/Wallowa 9, McLoughlin 8
Joseph/Enterprise/Wallowa 9, McLoughlin 2