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John L. Braese
INDIANOPOLIS – As our world of technology continues, the National Federation of State High School Associations recently updated rules for football. These changes will take effect for the fall season for Oregon high school teams.
In-helmet communication will continue to not be allowed. However, a change in Rule 1-5-3c(2) will now allow fixed electronic signs with play signals.
Players will need to find a different method to post their highlights on social media. Players will not be allowed any audio or video device to be worn during a game. This includes any device that records or transmits audio or video.
Mouth protectors (guards) will not be allowed that include any attachment that do not serve a purpose and function in protecting the teeth or mouth.
Continuing with an issue that arises continually, a clarification on fumbles has been addressed. Previously, when a fumbled ball went out-of-bounds, the ball was placed on the yard line “where the foremost point of the ball crossed the sideline”. Under the new ruling, the ball will be returned to the spot of the fumble.
The final change applies to only the six-man teams. A clarification was made that as long as there is a change of possession from the snap receiver to another player on offense, the ball can be advanced beyond the line of scrimmage.