Boys Golf Opens Action In Homedale

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John L. Braese

HOMEDALE, ID – Teams from Baker, La Grande, Nyssa, Ontario and Vale started the golf season in Homedale, Idaho on the Riverbend Course on Wednesday, March 15, taking part in the Homedale Ice Breaker.

“The day was cold and windy,” commented Ontario coach Scott Helmick.

The Baker Bulldogs were the top Oregon team in the team standings, placing third with a 351 total. The Dawgs were led by Jaxon Logston’s 80.

The Tiger team from La Grande placed eighth after shooting a 391. John Remily led the Tigers with an 89.

Vale was the third Oregon squad to qualify for a team standing, placing 13th and led by a 104 from Levi Justus.

Although not qualifying for a team total, the top golfer for the tournament went to Ontario senior Tyce Helmick after shooting a 2-under par 70.

Also lacking the minimum number of players for a team total, Nyssa was led by a 114 coming from Ben Mardock.

Team scores: 1. Kimberly ID, 336. 2. Homedale, ID 346. 3. Baker, 351. 4. McCall ID, 355. 5. Compass Charter ID, 367. 6. Ambrose ID, 370. 7. Nampa Christian ID 370. 8. La Grande, 391. 9. Parma ID, 406. 10. Fruitland ID, 408. 11. Cole Valley ID, 431. 12. Cascade ID, 436. 13. Vale, 441. 14. Payette ID, 464.

Baker – Isaiah Jones, 89; Jaxon Logston, 80; Elias Long, 82; Kaden Conklin, 100; Xander Rexroad, 137.

La Grande – John Remily, 89; Jack Sunderman, 101; Gage M., 111; Thomas Conklin, 108; Jaxon Doub, 109.

Nyssa – Ben Mardock, 114; Stryker Hartley, 142; Max Hanson, 141.

Ontario – Tyce Helmick, 70; Jamis Gonzalez, 107; Cristian Grijalva, 142.

Vale – Coy Schaffeld, 114; Charlie Barrett, 116; Dominic Bates, 107; Levi Justus, 104.

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